Virtual Online Studio

Return to movement with support and guidance from Women’s Health Accredited Exercise Physiologists. We provide Virtual Consultations, Guidance and Support, Online Programs and Online Classes.

Return to Exercise Postpartum

Your Step By Step Guide to Your Optimal Recovery

Are you READY to eliminate fears & feel confident moving your body again after birth?

If you’re a postpartum mum who:

  • struggles to find time or motivation

  • Isn’t sure what you should & shouldn’t be doing

  • Wants to prevent pelvic floor issues & heal ab separation

  • Wants to feel strong and confident

Pelvic Floor Recovery

Your pelvic floor are a group of muscles that play an integral role in going to the toilet, sexual health, pelvic stability, breathing and internal pressure control. Kegels are only one small piece of the puzzle- the pelvic floor needs to be able to do more than just "lift".

This muscle group requires synchrony with the diaphragm, strength endurance, contraction AND relaxation. The pelvic floor is also influenced by your posture, mobility, instability and biomechanics. In our 8 Week Program we will focus on all these key factors!

Core Strength Recovery

Did you know that your core is not the same as your "abs"? Our deep core muscles include the diaphragm, pelvic floor group, transverse abdominas and multifidus. Together these muscles assist you during breathing, keeping you stable and provide the foundation for good movement.

Returning your core to optimal function requires individualised, specific exercise prescription, and our exercise physiologists are the best people to assist with this!

Included in your 8 Week Program

  • Support from a Women's Health Accredited Exercise Physiologist

    45 Minute Telehealth or in studio comprehensive assessment with one of our Women’s Health Accredited Exercise Physiologists.

  • Education for long term Pelvic Floor Health

    Comprehensive education throughout your 8 Week Journey including breathing exercises, how to manage energy levels and much, much more.

  • Structured 8 Week Program to help you build strength

    8 Week Progressive exercise program with carefully curated instructional videos access through your very own app

  • Reviews + Education

    1 x 30 Minute Telehealth review necessary to discuss progress and analyse movement patterns, ask questions and get clarifications.

Do you need to restore your core and pelvic floor?

We help hundreds of women get clarity and regain confidence with movement. Shoot us through an email if you need any clarification or have any questions one of our Women’s Health Accredited Exercise Physiologists will be happy to give you a call.


β€œThe instructors are professional, super helpful and super fun! They guide me through the movements and provide with with different levels of challenges. The studio is super zen and love the community. I have grown stronger both mentally and physically.”

Yvonne J