Get into the OOV

The first time someone see’s the OOV the reaction is always the same. What is that? This strange little tool can work wonders to help you activate and find muscles that you never knew existed.

What is the OOV?

The Oov is a tool, made out of durable foam, that allows you to find new strategies to control your movement by challenging your balance and stability. The curves of the Oov are designed to lengthen the spine and to destabilize the body; it puts the body in a position where it is never at rest. The unique shape creates space in the body and organizes the body to facilitate more movement.


The Oov is a self-regulating feedback device for you to have an experience of your own body. It turns something that can be subjective, like someone telling you what's going on in your body, to an objective experience for yourself. Something that you start to learn about your own body, you start to feel things happening in your own body rather than someone telling you what's going on.

—Daniel Vladeta

What did I feel my first time on the Oov?

I had no idea what to expect, but when I first used the Oov, I immediately felt at ease. Even though I could feel my body adjusting to find my balance, especially while doing basic movements, I felt that I was breathing deeper, and I was focused more inwardly. Specifically, the Oov helped me in two fundamental ways:

1. Finding my balance and key muscles

I could immediately tell when my pelvis was out of alignment (which is a common occurrence) and, I could tell when my ribs were flaring forward (also a common issue) because I would lose my balance. I had to figure out how to correct myself without anyone telling me what to do.


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